Sunday, 15 May 2011

Weekly Photo - 15/05/2011 "Human Headline"

Today the 'Human Headline', Derryn Hinch, held his second annual "Name Them, Shame Them" rally on the steps of parliament house in the Melbourne CBD with hundreds of people turning up in his support to protest suppression orders placed on the names and details of sex offenders.

Being such an overcast day with low lying clouds it meant that the light was utterly fantastic, one couldn't buy nicer light if they tried! Heck, who am I kidding, it sucked! At least I came away with this diptych I rather like.

Click image for a larger view

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Weekly Photo - 08/05/2011 "Tasmanian Weekend"

This weekend for mothers day, dad and myself went to Tasmania, without mum! It's not our fault she didn't want to come.

What an amazing week of news it has been. At around 11:35 PM Eastern Time on Monday the 1st of May (1:35 PM on Tuesday the 2nd of May in Melbourne, Australia) the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama announced to the world that Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan. In fact his his 9 Minutes and 18 Second speech began with the words;
"Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world, the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden" 

In my hunt for more news I came upon the 3AW Melbourne News Talk website who I had submitted some images too not long before hearing the news of Osama bin Laden, obviously being such a big news day I didn't expect to see my photos run. Below is a screen grab of what I saw.

Click image for a larger view 

Anyway as I said this weekend i spent some time in Hobart, Tasmania so this weeks images will come from that trip, The light in Tasmania is brilliant, being so close to the Antarctic the sun never really rises that high in the sky, resulting in very long golden hours at each end of the day, i can't wait to return to Tasmania sometime soon as it has been many years before i had last been. I know I promised some Solomon Island images but they will follow later this week. 

Click image for a larger view 

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Weekly Photo - 01/05/2011 "Motocross"

Today I went out to photograph some Porsche racing and just nearby there was some Motocross which seemed more interesting. It certainly was a challenge to shoot but I was fairly happy for my first time, certainly something I want to work on more. Also noticed my site reached 3,000 hits today, see the counter down the bottom of the page.

Images from the Solomon Islands will be posted mid week.