Thursday, 26 July 2012

A long overdue post!

Firstly apologies for my lack of updates of late, I plan to get back in to the swing of weekly updates from now on, especially in the next few weeks as I am just about to return home after 2 months overseas, lots of new photos and stories to share! Anyway let me start with a post I did for The Photo Brigade about my experiences covering the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
Diamond Jubilee

In 2000 I was one of the lucky school students to cram the steps of the Sydney Opera House to watch a ceremony welcoming Queen Elizabeth II to Sydney on a royal visit. It was my first taste of a royal occasion and it was unforgettable so in early June when I had the chance to be in London for the central weekend of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee I naturally made the most of the opportunity to soak up the atmosphere once again.
Diamond Jubilee

Coming all the way from Australia, and with another two months of travelling following my time in London, I had to work out a kit that was not too big or heavy, that would cover all bases and most importantly I needed weatherproofing. The kit would also need it pack in to my Think Tank Airport International Roller for all my flights and to cart around the streets of London.
Diamond Jubilee

I originally wanted to use the Canon 5D MkIII, however a lack of weather sealing ruled it out in favour of the 1D MkIV; one with a 16-35mm and the other with a 70-200mm and a rented 400mm f2.8 IS L for a few photos of the main attraction, Queen Elizabeth II.
Diamond Jubilee

With the pomp and pageantry of a royal event, especially one of this scale, it is hard for even the most die hard republican not to get excited, drape themselves in a union jack flag and sing God Save The Queen. It was absolutely fantastic to see London showing its true colours, flags adorning every building and cardboard cut outs of the royal families in many shop fronts, not to mention the myriad of souvenirs available for purchase!
Diamond JubileeAs I look back on it covering the jubilee weekend in many ways mirrored my first royal experience 12 years ago; it was raining, it was crowded, it involved a lot of standing around waiting and I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the queen; however both were remarkably unforgettable experiences.
Diamond Jubilee

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Sunday Siege

Today I was able to spend a few hours at the Victoria Police Academy as the Critical Incident Response Team ran through various siege and arrest drills in the scenario village. It was a fantastic opportunity to watch them at work up close and not at the distances that one would normally see them from when working at a real world scenario.

Remember to click on the pictures for a larger preview

Friday, 3 February 2012

The Sun, Sand & Surf!!

Last weekend I had the opportunity to spend 2 nights in Miami, Florida. The trip only afforded me a few hours to myself to roam around the South Miami Beach area, enjoying the sun and taking a few photos. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Back to regular programming...

I am sorry for not posting recently, just haven't been out shooting much. Tomorrow I leave for two months in New York during which time I will be updating weekly again.

On Tuesday hundreds gathered on the streets of Sydney to farewell NSW Ambulance Service Special Casualty Access Team (SCAT) Paramedic Michael "Mick" Wilson who died in the line of duty on Christmas eve whilst conducting a rescue in the Blue Mountains.

Click the images for a larger view

Fellow SCAT Paramedics move in to position for Mick's funeral precession.
Pallbearers carry Mick's casket in to St James Anglican Church.
Paramedics begin to form an Honour Guard ahead of the funeral precession. 
Motorcycle Paramedics lead the precession.
Paramedics line the streets as the funeral precession passes.

Paramedics line the streets as the funeral precession passes.