Sunday, 30 January 2011

Weekly Photo - 30/01/2011 "Smokey Sydney"

Over the past few weeks the NSW Rural Fire Service and Fire & Rescue NSW have taken the opportunity to conduct Hazard Reduction burns (Often referred to as "Burn Offs") in the Sydney area to minimize risk if there was to be a major bush fire. This has put a lot of smoke particles into the air leading to some stunning sunsets all over Sydney. This week i will be posting two photos to show both aspects of the HR Burns.

1) This photo was taken at a Hazard Reduction Burn being conducted by Fire & Rescue NSW in Beecroft on January 27th

2) The view from North Head looking back through the smoke particles towards the Sydney CBD.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Weekly Photo - 23/01/2011 "Grand Central Freedom"

This image was actually taken on Sunday 16th January, NY Time which makes it Monday here in Sydney so by a stretch it works here.

The image was taken outside New York's Grand Central Terminal on my last day in the city.

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Australia Day and stay tuned for a post mid week with some Australia Day pictures.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Weekly Photo - 16/01/2011 "Let it Snow"

Today is my last day in NYC before heading back to Sydney and as it is nearing the end of the week, now is a good time to post my weekly photo. This weeks image was shot on the Wednesday the 12th of January in SoHo just after it began to snow. 

Monday, 10 January 2011

8 Hours in Washington DC

Today i spent just 8 hours in Washington DC and Arlington VA in which time i managed to cram in all the main sites... JUST.

Posted below are my 6 favorite images from my short time in the city.

1) The American Flag flies at half staff on the silhouetted Capitol Building in honour of the Tuscon, Arizona Shooting Victims.

2) A US Marine Helicopter flies past the Lincoln Memorial.

3) Inside the Lincoln Memorial.

4) Arlington National Cemetery.

5) Arlington National Cemetery Honor Guard. 

6) Me issuing a press conference in the White House... Nah, not really its just in the gift shop!!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Weekly Photo - 9/01/2011 "Cycling West 54th"

I don't normally like Black and White photos although lately i seem to have processed a lot of my images this way, not sure why, but its growing on me.  This weeks photo was taken on West 54th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues in New York City, USA. I have another week here so its quite likely next weeks photo will be from Manhattan as well.

I am headed off to Washington DC for the day tomorrow so stay tuned for a post on that (With pictures of course) in the next couple of days.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Weekly Photo - 31/12/2010 "364th day of 2010"

As you can see from the previous blog post i spent New Years Eve in Rome, Italy. This image was taken by the Scalinata della Tinita dei Monti (AKA: The Spanish Steps) in Piazza di Spagna.